Get Rid of Cellulite With Cupping Massage

It results from both excess fat in fat cells and retained water all around it. By growing larger, the fat cells deform the skin envelope, thus causing an orange peel effect.

By Using the massage cups, in the convenience of your home, you can administer a cupping massage which stimulates and soften tissue and compartmentalizes fatty cells.

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Results: The skin is smoother and softer, and cellulite gradually and permanently disappears!

Get Rid of Cellulite With Cupping Massage

The massage technique is a not invasive treatment that manipulates the connective tissue resulting in cellulite reduction, slimming and anti-aging. The benefits go far beyond aesthetics to encompass your total physiological well being.

By using the massage Cups for few minutes daily you will be able to see how the cellulite disappears.

How does it work? This is a deep cupping massage therapy done with vacuum suction, the negative pressure causes a rush of blood and lymph to the skin from deep lying tissues, by improving the circulation to the area, the cups assist the body with the removal of waste products and stagnant lymph. It improves the dermal respiration the skin becomes more elastic, its resistance to temperature and mechanical factors is increased and muscles retracting function is improved.

• It has a positive effect on blood circulation by improving oxygen flow into the cells thus the inflated cells begin to burn their contents and begin to shrink in size which reduces the appearance of cellulite dramatically

• Reduces muscular tension.

• Improves firmness of the skin due to increase production of collagen and elastin.

• Positive results on blood circulation, lymphatic circulation and connective tissues.

Get Rid of Cellulite With Cupping Massage

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